Según dicen, antiguamente, en el ejercito inglés había unas normas bastante estrictas respecto a la etiqueta. A pesar de estar en la guerra, se les obligaba a afeitarse con regularidad y guardar un uniforme para reuniones sociales.
No penseis mal. No era esnobismo (no principalmente, al menos). La razón era más "psicológica". A un hombre puede darle igual afeitarse o no, si su ropa esta sucia o rota, puesto que realmente no se ve. Sin embargo, sí que ve a sus compañeros, y si todos van igual de desarreglados, la moral decae porque tienen la sensación de estar realmente en el frente, fuera de la civilización.
Es por eso que los ingleses se esforzaban tanto en ir bien vestidos y limpios, y conservar las costumbres de casa (el té, por ejemplo). Por que es la frivolidad la que demuestra que existe una civilización.
O en palabras del poeta Yeats: ¿Dónde si no en la costumbre y en la ceremonia nacen la belleza y la inocencia?
Y yo soy una persona que realmente agradece tanto la costumbre como la ceremonia.
In the british army, during the Victorian era, as they say, they were quite a strict with etiquette. Despite the war, they were forced to shave them-selves often enough and to keep an uniform for social gatherings.
It wasn't a matter os snobbery. The reason was more "psychological". One particular man can feel good even with a beard and a dirty uniform. The broblem lies in the community, if they see each-other that way, the would feel depressed. They would realized they were fighting in a war, out of the civilization.
That is why the british army tried hard to dress clean and proper, and to maintain their customs (E.g. Tea time). Because frivolity is what makes civilized.
In Yeats' words: How but in custom and in ceremony are innocence and beauty born?
And God knows how I love custom and ceremony
It wasn't a matter os snobbery. The reason was more "psychological". One particular man can feel good even with a beard and a dirty uniform. The broblem lies in the community, if they see each-other that way, the would feel depressed. They would realized they were fighting in a war, out of the civilization.
That is why the british army tried hard to dress clean and proper, and to maintain their customs (E.g. Tea time). Because frivolity is what makes civilized.
In Yeats' words: How but in custom and in ceremony are innocence and beauty born?
And God knows how I love custom and ceremony